Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I Was the Tallest Mammal in New York State
Here I am on the top of New York (Mt. Marcy) in the summer of 2008.
I was full of energy that first day up Marcy, but by the next day up Haystack I was pretty tired.
But it was well worth it because Haystack is probably the prettiest peak in the Adirondacks
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Monday, May 09, 2005

An afternoon in Red Hook, Brooklyn. A neighborhood that is quickly being gentrified but is still pretty isolated. The few peopl that drove by on the adjacent street thought Michael and I were pretty silly lying in the street (actually, don't tell Michael, I think people probably blamed most of the silliness on him and held me blameless).
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

It was a beautiful day in the seventies on Sunday and Michael had the day off. We went to Prospect Park. We even met a Puli there, Ben, the famous (that is what his humans said) Puli from Rome (Italy). Does Ben have his own website? I don't think so. Should have had my picture taken with him. You will have to settle for this shot of me jumping up on someone's stoop in Park Slope on the way back to the car.