Saturday, November 05, 2005


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Miss you.
Dear Juicy Fruiter:
Thanks for reading my blog. I appreciate my many fans. I can understand why you think I might like your blog. I am an outdoorsy dog, so I might enjoy reading about your life as a park ranger. If I were to ever get a job, I think I would like to be a park ranger.
Sincerely, Seven

Dear Penny Stock Investment:
I do not know why you think I would like your site. I am a dog. I do not have any money and I do not care about money as long as the dog food appears in my bowl twice a day, every day (more frequently would be OK too, but my human says he wants to keep me thin). My human takes care of such pedestrian things as money.
Sincerely, Seven
Dear si7pd62yin,
Thanks for reading my blog and writing. Some people think that "Seven" is an unusual name. But I think is pales in comparison to "si7pd62yin". Congratulations on having such a unique name! How do you pronounce that?
I agree with you that education is important for every dog. I am not, however, sure what good a degree does a dog. Only the humans worry about such traditional measures of achievement. (Look at my human. He's got a bunch of fancy degrees and he still does not understand how to enjoy a raw hide, a chicken bone off the street, or a nice bit of rotting garbage.)
So, if it is all the same, I am going to pass on your online degree.
Regards, Seven
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